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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Kids in the House? Tips for Storm Planning for a Family | SERVPRO of Reno Southwest

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

Family mother with children at burning house background When the storm has passed, call SERVPRO of Reno Southwest to help you recover.

Thunder is roaring, lightning is striking and tornado sirens are blaring. Your dog is pacing, kids are panicking and you’re unsure where to begin. Storms can be terrifying, especially as we head into the hot and humid summer season.

While we can’t control the weather, we can prepare and react to it to keep everyone calm, especially the kids. Explore simple ways our team suggests to integrate storm planning into your family’s routine, ensuring everyone stays calm during emergencies.

Watching the Sky

We can all tell the difference between cloudy and sunny days, but not everyone knows what signs to watch for when clouds change. Even without storm forecasts, it’s crucial to monitor the sky. Teach your kids the signs of an approaching dangerous storm—rotating clouds, a dark or green sky, thunder and lightning mean they should head indoors immediately.

They should also recognize the sound of a tornado siren and when it might go off. Getting them familiar with the siren during tests can help, as it’s not an emergency and they can get used to it from different areas of your home. Let them practice listening for the siren, and have a game to see who can get to your safe shelter location faster.

Preparing Together

Have you put together your storm emergency plan yet? This can include deciding how to access your sheltering location quickly and making sure your emergency kit is packed and ready to use whenever.

The best sheltering location will be in the innermost part of your home, preferably on the lowest level and in a room without windows. Keep your gathering area clear and have your kids get used to the space by building a fort under a sturdy table or desk for added protection.

Your kids can also help you pack your emergency kit. Make sure to add the essentials and then let your kids pack their favorite snacks and water bottles.

To make it even a little more fun, have your children choose their very own flashlights and put their names on them! Don’t forget extra batteries, candles, matches or anything else that your family needs to stay comfortable.

Also, don’t forget to pack the entertainment. You might think games and activities are unnecessary during severe weather, but you and your kids will be grateful for the added distraction.

Encouraging a Calm Environment

Severe weather can be scary for anyone, let alone children, so reassure them that it is so it’s natural for them to feel anxious about storms. However, it is important to remind your kids that suffering serious storm damage is actually relatively rare. Most storm damage comes in the form of minor roof and siding damage.

By keeping your kids calm and distracted during severe weather, you can help everyone make it through the emergency situation with more confidence.

Storm damage should always be addressed quickly. Contact SERVPRO® day or night for the restoration services you need.

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